
We are so proud of our beautiful period encampment!  Our secret?  Period furnishings and equipment are given preferential placement, while mundane and non-period items are kept away from the common gathering areas.  Sure, we use coolers to keep our food safe, but they are kept hidden from site. Members are also encouraged to engage only in period pastimes in all the common areas of the encampment.  They are free, of course, to use modern conveniences (such as computers and cell phones) inside their personal pavilions, should they so desire.

All Members participate in the planning and sharing of common meals, which are organized by the Guidwife several weeks ahead of the event.  All members, friends and guests of Cliar Cu Buidhe share equally in the camp duties, as well.  Many hands make light work!

We welcome guests to share our camp!  Please contact any of our Members for more information, or send an inquiry to guidwife@cox.net.